View & track your orders

The most accurate way to find out when your order will arrive is to track your package. You can do this through the Store or using a tracking number. If you don’t have a tracking number you can see an estimate of your delivery date in your Altro Store order history.

Track your order with a tracking number

  1. Open your Altro Store order history
  2. Find the order you want to track.
  3. Click Order details.
  4. Click on the Tracking link.

You can also track your order from your confirmation email.

  1. Open the email account linked to your Altro Account.
  2. Search for an email with the subject line that starts ‘Your Altro Store Order’.
  3. If you have multiple orders, find the email for the one you want to track.
  4. Follow the instructions in the email to track your order using the tracking number.

Don’t have a tracking number?

Not all shipping options have tracking numbers. If your shipping option doesn’t have a tracking number, you can find an estimated delivery date in your Altro Store order history.

  1. Go to your Altro Store order history
  2. Look for the order you want to track.
  3. Find the estimated delivery date in the order detail.